Tuesday, April 30, 2024
What You SHOULD NOT Include In Your Social Media Posts!
When marketing to potential patients, most Healthcare providers choose exactly the wrong things to post on social media.
Here are some things Not to post:
1. Facts and Features –
In the marketing of products, there is a big distinction between what is a fact or feature of the product versus what is a benefit of the product to the customer.
It is no different in healthcare.
Most providers want to post facts and features about themselves.
So, they post their educational resume. Or their advanced training certifications. Or awards they have received.
It is not that those “facts and features” don’t matter, but they are not what patients want to know first.
Patients want to know whether you can help them.
Can you accurately diagnose their issues? Can you adequately treat their issue? Can you solve their pain?
The best way to answer those questions for your prospective patients is through testimonials of other patients.
When your prospective patients read other patient’s stories or see their video testimonials, they come to believe that, if you could help those other patients, you can probably help them, too.
The goal of your posts should be to highlight the benefits the patient will receive, not facts and features about you.
2. “Me”, “We”, or “I” information –
In your posts, the more often you use the words “I” or “Me” or “We”, the less effective your posts will be.
Re-read your posts.
How often do you use the word “You” or “Your?”
Again, your posts need to focus on the benefits to the patient.
When you focus on the potential benefits to the patient, your posts will be filled with words about them such as “You” or Your”.
If you focus on them, there should be very few uses of words about you such as “I”, “We”, or “Me”.
3. Anything About Your Reimbursement –
Medicare has been decreasing reimbursements to providers.
And since most insurance contracts use Medicare as the reference for reimbursement, they are also decreasing.
But patients don’t care what you are paid.
They care what it costs them.
So, even if you feel patients need to understand the background information about your reimbursement, please do not post anything about it.
Almost no one will have sympathy for you.
In fact, it will turn patients away.
4. Anything That Is Not HIPAA Compliant –
In healthcare marketing, you must be very careful about HIPAA compliance.
If you plan to post patient testimonials or patient stories, which you absolutely should do, you must have the patients sign a consent form.
That form should detail that they are giving you permission to post details on public online social media sites related to the specific diagnosis you have been treating.
There are other issues that are more specific to the individual social media platforms.
For example, Facebook will not allow before and after photos for weight loss ads to be posted.
Be sure your marketing firm knows the terms of service for the specific platforms on which you are posting.
Violating the terms of service can get your account banned.
So, yes, you should be posting regularly on social media sites.
In fact, it is currently one of the best uses of your marketing budget.
However, be sure your posts attract potential patients to you rather than turning them away.
CEO , Healthcare Provider Marketing
Dr. Holt is the CEO of Healthcare Provider Marketing. He is passionate about both healthcare and marketing. His goal is to help healthcare providers maximize their revenue through new marketing and business strategies.